Saturday, August 9, 2008

The unholy morning

Beep…Beep…Beeeeeeeeep….[my alarm ]

He says [to alarm]: “Shut up its Saturday…”

He says [to me]: “You shouldn’t be getting up early today…dude there is absolutely no motivation for you to get up…the earliest you will get some good food in the day is in the evening…go back to sleep!”

Me: Well so I take his advice and go back to sleep.

He [after 30 min of loneliness]: “Get up you idiot, get up you are supposed to be with her… in her room next door….don’t you remember deciding this yesterday evening…you have already stalled the meeting….you were supposed to be with her in her room last night….but you got lazy…I can’t believe how can someone be lazy for such a thing…”

Me [to him]: “Shut up…f***off…let me sleep”

He [quite angry this time]: “Dude this is your last chance of doing this thing before the fall semester begins…and you know there are NO weekends in grad school…Listen up buddy tomorrow you are busy all day…and then what you have is one long work drowning week…and you have already blocked your next weekend’s…get up bro…you can do this!”.

Me: “Yeah[half asleep]….[lazily getting up]”

He: “Dude you may want to take of your clothes right now…so that you can expedite the process.”

Me:”Okay…[almost brain dead]”.

He: “Hey stop…stop…not the shorts you idiot…the room is next door…you don’t want to be seen by someone like that…”

Me[quite pissed off]: “What the heck!...okay…”

He:”And don’t forget [interrupted]”

Me:”the bag…I know…I know it’s the key can you even think of me going there without this bag?”

He[apologetic]: “I am sorry…I just thought of assisting you!”

Me [still pissed off and almost awake]: “Thank you…thanks a lot…”

Me: “Can’t believe I have to even pay her!”

He: “You always paid her…come on dude she is not that expensive….venki pays a lot more than you do…cheer up buddy…she is all yours this morning”

Okay…So here I stand at 8 on this Saturday morning…with bag full of dirty clothes in one hand and few quarters in the other in front of the laundry room next door.