Monday, April 2, 2007

Stupid Is As Stupid Does!

Forrest Gump I remember...thats the movie where I first heard this phrase...well if this happens to be a most common phrase of your vocab...then please pardon my English... It's not my mother tongue!
More interestingly this phrase got stuck into my head and over years I kept on wondering about its meaning, until I googled for it today! Some Mr. Tony Lee explains its meaning as:

"It means that and intelligent person who does stupid things is still stupid. You are what you do.
Another variation is beauty is as beauty does or ugly is as ugly does."

So there you go some interesting gyan (hindi word for knowledge) for the day!

There are some very interesting reads on this topic over the web. I have shortlisted some of them below... rest you can always google.

1) Stupid Is As Stupid Does By Scott Reeves at
2) Stupid Is As Stupid Does By Charley Reese at

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